SPD Women’s Alliance
Seattle Police Women’s Alliance
In the summer of 2024, the Seattle Police Foundation was thrilled to partner with stakeholders from the Seattle Police Department to form the Seattle Police Department’s Women’s Alliance (Alliance).
The employee-led Alliance is modeled after the Seattle Fire Department Women’s Alliance, which was launched in 2020 to make the fire service a better place for women. The Seattle Police Department’s Women’s Alliance is a nonprofit, membership-based organization, born out of a desire to better champion SPD’s women and non-binary people and help them succeed, grow, and thrive in their careers as law enforcement professionals.
The mission of the Alliance is to provide a community of support, mentorship, and training to the sworn women and non-binary people of the Seattle Police Department.
In addition to support, mentoring, career planning, and social opportunities, the Alliance works to support SPD’s ongoing recruiting efforts to welcome more women and non-binary people into the department. Women play a crucial role in public safety in the Seattle community and throughout the nation, and the Seattle Police Foundation is incredibly proud to support proactive efforts that will result in increased numbers of women at SPD. The work of the Alliance is in alignment with the 30 X 30 initiative, aimed at advancing female representation in law enforcement so that females make up 30 percent of sworn officers by the year 2030.
SPD took the 30 X 30 pledge in 2020.
To help launch and promote this powerful new collective, the Seattle Police Foundation hosted a evening happy hour event on August 8, 2024 in downtown Seattle. The Foundation is honored to serve as the new nonprofit’s fiscal agent as the Alliance board of directors works to establish its 501(C)3 state at the state and federal level and build a solid foundation from which to grow.
Learn more about the Alliance: