The ‘Paws on Patrol’ program was started in 2018 at the SW Precinct. The program encouraged dog walkers to serve as an extra set of eyes and ears for SPD. There are hundreds of dog walkers throughout the community who walk through neighborhoods daily. Paws on Patrol trains these individuals on how to effectively observe and report suspicious activity.
Funding from SPF will go to expanding the program to the other SPD precincts. The program will be able to purchase dog tags, as well as print materials for community members who may be interested in participating.
SW Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator, Jennifer Danner said, “Paws on Patrol is a fantastic crime prevention and community outreach program. It helps to train our community members about reporting suspicious and criminal activity, and it also encourages community members to be involved with SPD!”
The Seattle Police Motorcycle Drill Team is a community ambassador for the City of Seattle. The Team was established in 1949 and is comprised of 14 members and a sergeant. The Seattle Police Motorcycle Drill Team is involved in several events, including parades, locally, regionally and internationally through the year. The Drill Team also escorts Officers Killed in the Line of Duty and escorts related to special events within the city. Some of the parades include: West Seattle Parade, Greenwood, International district, Sea-fair Torchlight Parade, Sea-fair Mountlake Terrace and the Wenatchee Apple Blossom Parade .
Grant funds will replace and update the officer’s drill team uniforms, drill team boots, drill team breachs, uniform braids, uniform shirt-long sleeves, and new flags.
Sgt. Randy Ward looks forward to the team’s uniform update and said, “The best part of the Drill Team is meeting amazing people in our community, our region, and other countries. We have the ability to share our passion for law enforcement and interacting with the community in a positive way.”
Seattle Police Activities League (SeaPAL) is a proactive, prevention-oriented strategy which relies on the cooperation, coordination and building of relationships between youth, police and community through recreation and cultural enrichment. SEAPAL mentorship exposes youth to officers and the police profession in a positive manner at a young age. The diverse mentorship group engages in leadership opportunities, education programs, and work directly with their community. Through this work, youth AND officers can overcome biases they may hold for each other and build a better future Seattle together.
Funding from SPF will purchase program supplies and snacks for each mentorship group to use during meetings as well as two planned special events where all mentorship groups will come together for team building, outdoor recreation, and leadership activities.
The SPD Violent Crime Advocate Unit works with crime victims, their families, and cooperative witnesses to help support detectives assigned to investigations. The unit does not have access to funds that provide for the immediate needs of the group they serve. Temporary housing, emergency food, overnight stay vouchers, transportation needs, personal care items, and communication tools are all needed to help detectives stay connected with each victim.
The financial support this grant provides will meet the immediate needs of victims who often find themselves filled with grief, shock, and loss, and are vulnerable and scared. By providing this support to the unit, these individuals will feel more supported by the police and community, making them more likely to participate in the legal process.

The Seattle Police Explorer Post works to bridge the gap between youth and police by educating and involving them in police operations and to interest them in law enforcement. Involvement in the Explorer program establishes an awareness of the complexities of police service. The Seattle Police Explorer Post conducts a variety of programs and projects featuring safety, training, and community/public service.
Officer Tre Smith leads the Explorers and recently said, “This grant will assist in the proper outfitting of several new and existing Explorers with new uniforms and equipment. Each Explorer will be able to be a physical bridge between the community and the police department as these youth bring what they learn from our program and educate their family and friends about the job that police officers carry out.”
SFP’s grant will provide the funding to ensure that Police Explorer Post #0943 will have new uniforms and equipment and will fund a team building experience for the entire post.
The Community Outreach Team attends and hosts hundreds of events throughout the year. Officers hand out safety information as well as police-themed gifts to children and parents in the community we serve at each event. This grant will fund the purchase of small gifts for officers to give away to youth and families with the hope that it creates a positive sustainable relationship between the Seattle Police Department and the community.
Sergeant Heidi Tuttle said, “Having giveaways such as snacks, coloring books, SPD logo items, and safety items, gives the community a reason to start conversations and build relationships with officers. This in turn changes stereotypes about policing, increases officer safety by improving relationships, and helps promote a positive SPD brand.”
The Seattle Police Gyms organization is managed and funded solely by its annual membership dues. Officers use gym equipment for their overall health and well-being. Presently, the only option for SPD Gyms members who work in the Headquarters building is the Park 90-5 gym, located several miles away.
This grant will assist in funding the purchase of the basic strength training equipment needed to start a gym facility at SPD’s HQ.

The Law Enforcement Casualty Care (LECC) program was created to teach all police officers basic emergency medical skills and tecniques. These skills and techniques are necessary for saving lives of victims of violent crimes or significant traumatic injuries prior to the arrival of medical personal when seconds count. SPD currently has 25 EMTs who have not been able to attend the LECC EMT course due to lack of funding. An additional 27 officers are expected to become EMTs in 2020 and will need the advanced training offered by the LECC course.
Funding from SPF will expand the ability of the department and its EMTs to provide a higher level of care to the community in the case of a violent crime or significant injury.
The Seattle Police Narcotics Sections is responsible for both large scales and street level narcotics enforcement. Our role is to conduct enforcement operations of all sizes that have immediate and long lasting impacts. Part of the role of undercover detectives is to conduct thousands of hours of surveillance per year. One of teh most effective tools that is used in these investigations is photography. Prosecutors, judges, and juries are influenced greatly with the combination of testimony from detectives and photo/video evidence.
The current camera used by the unit does not have the ability to take high quality photos or video in low light areas. The grant issued by SPF will provide the Narcotics team with the funding needed to purchase 2 Nikon D500 Cameras.
Sgt. John Lamp said, “The direct effect of funding this grant will be an immediate impact on the quality of cases and investigations produced by the narcotics detectives. Better observations in the field, quality evidentiary photos, and stronger, evidence for jurors are just a few examples.”

SPD’s SWAT routinely uses remote controlled robots to clear spaces and gather information prior to placing officers, victims, and suspects in jeopardy. SWAT currently uses a mix of older outdated robots, which are no longer supported by the manufacturer. The current Throwbots function, but lack the capacity to complete missions.
Foundation funding will allow for the purchase of one Recon Robotics Throwbot 2. These new robots will be able to operate for more than double the amount of time and nearly double the distance of the robots currently used.
“SWAT operations are often high risk and highly scrutinized. Having increased capability, especially when it comes to avoiding confrontation would enhance the Team and Police Department standing, reduce liability, and increase public support for our operations.” said SWAT Officer Kirk Waldorf.
SPD’s Forensic Photo Unit collects photo evidence that is used to investigate crimes. The unit uses a UVIR camera to detect evidence that can often be missed by the naked eye such as blood on dark colored fabrics, gunshot residue, detection of document forgeries and alterations, and the ability to reveal deep tissue bruising, just to name a few. The camera currently used has very limited capability due to its age, limiting the unit’s ability to accurately capture forensic evidence.
SPF’s grant to the Photo Unit will allow photographers to provide better forensic examination services used by the department. The camera will provide investigative personnel with the ability to visualize physical evidence that might otherwise go undetected and capture evidence outside of the visible spectrum.
“The impact of the purchase of a digital camera capable of recording UV and IR wavelengths will enhance the relationship with the community by reassuring the public of Seattle that SPD investigates crimes thoroughly with excellent police work and cutting-edge technology.” said Senior Photographer Kathy Durkee.
The main hallway wall of Seattle Police Department’s South Precinct is dedicated as an “In Memoriam” wall, serving as a memorial for fallen officers. Small magnets are used to display the programs from the memorial services of fallen officers such as Officer Timothy Brenton and dozens more. Most of the programs displayed have been collected by peronnel who have attended these services personally. The walls have been created to respect and honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Due to the heavy traffic and small size of the hallway, programs have been knocked off the wall and damaged.
SPF’s grant will provide the South Precinct with the funds to purchase three large custom-made enclosed frames that will protect each of the programs and allow them to be displayed with integrity.
Seattle Police Department’s North Precinct will receive a grant for storage of long guns. Currently, long guns are stored in officer’s personal lockers. With all of the additional gear officers must carry, there is not enough room to securely store the long guns needed for tactical situations. Being able to securely and safely store long guns in an area with easy access means officers can be prepared to retrieve them at a moment’s notice. Officers’ ability to respond quickly to a tactical situation where a long gun is necessary is imperative in meeting our commitment to the public. Responding appropriately and quickly to calls for service enhances community trust in our ability to safely resolve emergencies.

Since its creation, the SPD Video Unit has done more with less. The unit has produced nationally recognized training and community based videos with no budget and mimimum equipment. A refreshment of equipment will help the unit to provide quality video production and allow them to effectively support the men and women of SPD through visual storytelling and strategic communication.