Grant Highlights
If you are a Seattle Police Department employee interested in applying for grant funding from the Seattle Police Foundation, please email us at: Only applications from sworn and civilian employees of the Seattle Police Department are considered.
About our Grant Program
The Seattle Police Foundation maximizes the generous contributions we receive from our supporters, community members, and funding partners, to provide grants to Seattle Police Department employees.

We are excited to support modern, innovative solutions that fall within our three primary funding areas: community partnerships, employee development, and law enforcement service enhancements. Offering funding through a competitive grants process empowers the men and women of SPD, allowing them to seek and obtain the professional development tools, training, equipment, and programs that they feel, based on their practical experience, will achieve the most engagement among their coworkers and/or the community.
No one knows better what they need than the officers and staff tasked with doing this important work every day. Our grant program honors that insight and knowledge and allows both commissioned and noncommissioned staff at SPD to turn their ideas into reality.
Since 2002, the Seattle Police Foundation has fielded requests from Seattle police officers and administrative staff to support programs and projects they believe will help them deliver public safety more efficiently and effectively. Additionally, SPF provides grant funding to promote opportunities for the Seattle community to interact with their police department in positive, non-enforcement situations. This grant funding helps bridge the crucial gap between what the City of Seattle can fund for the Seattle Police Department and what it cannot.
The large majority of SPF grant-funded purchases are passed through an SPD fiscal process, ensuring that City of Seattle protocols are met. This guarantees that grant proposals are thoroughly vetted, have satisfied the necessary hierarchy of approvals, and are fully transparent to the community.
What do our grants provide?
Our grants provide things like improved all-weather gear, new equipment, innovative tools, training programs, and safety enhancements. We love giving SPD officers and staff the opportunity to tell us what they need to make our community safer and better.
Narcotics K9 Vehicle Modifications

Thanks to generous donations from Seattle Police Foundation supporters, during the summer of 2023 we completed improvements/modifications to an unmarked vehicle used by one of SPD’s Narcotics Unit detectives to ensure that K9 Devon is safer, cooler, and more comfortable when she’s out on the road with her handler.
The vehicle was retrofitted with the same type of gear used by SPD patrol and ABS officers, which includes a K9 insert, a powerful cooling fan, and a heat alert K9 system. The heat alert K9 system features an intelligent remote pager-type device that the handler carries with him any time he leaves the vehicle.
This allows the handler to monitor the temperature inside the vehicle the whole time he’s away. If the vehicle gets above a certain temperature while he’s in the field, he’ll get an alert on the pager, the high-powered fan will kick on, and the windows will roll down.
With all that said, handlers routinely check on their K9s when working in the field. There is never a 100% reliance on technology, but it’s a wonderful safeguard to have in place.
Thank you to our generous K9 supporters! Thanks to all of you, SPD’s Narcotics Unit is better equipped to safely deploy K9 Devon to help fight the growing fentanyl/illegal narcotics crisis.
Please explore the content below to see more information about grants that we’ve funded in recent years!
The Seattle Police Fallen Officer Memorial Project
In August of 2022 we received a grant proposal from SPD Detective Britt (Sweeney) Kelly, who requested funding for a new, public facing memorial for Seattle Police Department Detective Antonio Terry.

In addition to the memorial for Detective Terry, she asked that SPD and SPF partner to install a monument each year going forward, so we can all remember and honor other fallen SPD officers who do not yet have monuments. She asked that each be installed at a location representative of the officer, or close to the geographical location where the officer’s life was lost.
The memorials will be maintained by newly hired SPD employees in an opportunity for them to learn of their brothers and sisters that preceded them.
Her number one objective for the memorial locations is that each be open, and freely accessible to friends, family members, and colleagues of the fallen officer, so that they’re easily able to visit the memorial at any time of day or night. Det. Terry’s original memorial stone is located alongside a freeway offramp and is extremely challenging to visit.
Detective Kelly wanted to avoid locations that are difficult to access.
We, in partnership with Detective Kelly, contracted with Quiring Monuments, who ordered the granite and constructed the memorial stone, which is shaped like a badge and is engraved with Det. Terry’s badge number. The granite arrived in early 2023, the memorial was fabricated, and installed on April 27, 2023. It is located on the front lawn of the South Precinct. Learn more on the project webpage.
Porta-Grazers for the Mounted Patrol Unit

During our 2022 year-end grant cycle, we received a funding request from the Mounted Patrol Unit for six specialized feeders made by Porta-Grazer™, which are designed to allow the horse to graze slowly and continuously, in a natural, head-down position.
Porta-Grazer™ slow hay feeders are specifically made for horses who do not have access to open pasture or are housed in stalls, helping them to maintain a healthy diet while working to prevent digestive ailments.
In this particular case, City funding purchased a portion of the needed Porta-Grazers, but the overall need exceeded the available budget. This is where our grant program truly shines, by filling the gaps between what the City of Seattle can fund for the police department and what it cannot.
Thanks to our generous equine-loving donors for helping us fund this grant! The horses are enjoying the benefits of the Porta-Grazers on a daily basis. Thank you so much for helping make life better for the equine members of the Seattle Police Department.
Meet Your Officers
In 2023 we awarded a $4,500 grant to Henry Liu of SPD’s Public Affairs Office, to help him build connections between SPD and the community, as well as connections within his active teams of SPD liaison officers and CSOs.
He used the grant funding to host quarterly team lunches, which successfully facilitated communication, camaraderie, and collaborative dialogue among SPD employees who don’t always get the opportunity to work together. It was a great way to connect police officers, CSOs, crime prevention coordinators, and community leaders, by giving them the opportunity to develop relationships, talk about their work, and experience areas of the City they don’t always visit.
He held various cross-precinct/unit lunches in different parts of Seattle, and has received fantastic feedback from his attendees. It’s been a great wellness activity, which benefits not only the staff in attendance, but the community as a whole.
He also hosted larger-scale community events, which elevated SPD’s relationship with the community members who live, work, and own businesses in our City.
When you support SPF, you are supporting our grant program and making these things possible. To learn more about our grant program, please visit our website!
Improving Officer Safety: Vehicle Close Quarter Battle Training for a West Precinct Patrol Officer
In April we approved a grant proposal from SPD West Precinct Patrol Officer Oliver Murphy, which made it possible for him to attend a two-day course in Reno, Nevada, called Vehicle Close Quarter Battle (VCQB), hosted by Centrifuge Training, LLC.
VCQB takes a critical look at how law enforcement officers have historically protected themselves during violent events. The two-day curriculum is intense, dynamic, and entirely data-driven, custom built by Centrifuge and based on years of data collected from actual incidents. VCQB uses ballistics data to teach patrol officers better ways to stay safe in or near their patrol cars, and gives them the opportunity to practice and study firsthand how a variety of ammunition impacts a vehicular environment.
While an incredibly relevant and valuable training, SPD’s budget was not able to accommodate its cost, making this a perfect fit for SPF’s grants program. Our grants program intentionally seeks to support both employee development and law enforcement service enhancements, and this grant checked both boxes.
“Being given the opportunity by the Foundation to attend this training will not only greatly aid me as far as my safety is concerned, but will also make other Seattle Police Officers safer as I share this curriculum with my agency,” Murphy wrote. “I intend to compile the data that I took from this course, and share it with our agency in the hopes to re-shape our tactics so that future SPD officers can safely do their job if they are ever met with a deadly threat.”
This was such a great opportunity to spark positive change. We appreciate the way our supporters empower us to be nimble and quick to respond when there is a pressing need like this one, and we also appreciate proactive officers like Officer Murphy, and their devotion to public safety.
Steering Wheel Locks
During our first grant cycle of 2023, we awarded $5,000 to SPD Crime Prevention Coordinators (CPC) to pay for steering wheel locks that could be distributed for free to Seattle community members. (*Grant applications were collected at the end of 2022 and were then reviewed by the SPF Grant Committee in early 2023.) This crime prevention effort targeted people who live and work in Seattle and drive certain Hyundai and Kia models, which are particularly vulnerable to theft.
SPD CPCs used the $5,000 to purchase 312 locks, which were divided up among all five precincts. In August and September of 2023, two separate distribution events took place in which community members could stop by the precinct most convenient to them to pick up a free lock.
We hope these locks help reduce vehicle thefts in our community!
Forensic Mannequin
Also during our early 2023 grant cycle, we awarded $1,000 to the Homicide and Assault Unit for a forensic mannequin to help inform the interview process when interviewing suspects, witnesses, and survivors. The use of forensic mannequins is a proven strategy meant to bridge the important gap between what a person says and how the detective interprets their testimony. This simple tool is expected to help improve efficiencies during the investigation process by enhancing the clarity of a person’s verbal account of what occurred. Stay tuned for more updates on the forensic mannequin’s use! We’re excited to learn more about how it helps detectives solve cases.
New Temporary Shelter for the Firearms Training Unit
Another recent grant awarded to the Firearms Training Unit paid for the installation of a new temporary shelter at the training range in Tukwila, to help improve conditions for firearms training students.
The Firearms Training Unit trains in all weather conditions, from pouring rain to the hot sun. This new structure helps keep students dryer, cooler, and improves the overall training experience to make it more conducive to learning. It not only allows students and trainers to get out of inclement weather, but also helps keep gear dry.
We love the way this gazebo turned out and are happy to know that SPD’s students will have a better experience while engaging in this vital training.

Motorcycle Unit Spring and Summer Protective Riding Gear
In 2022, we were happy to help SPD’s hardworking Motorcycle Unit not only look their best, but dramatically increase officer safety through the addition of custom-made protective summer gear.
While SPD provides the Unit with winter riding gear and rain gear, there was a gap that left motorcycle officers unprotected during the spring and summer months. The grant requested funding to purchase innovative Air Mesh jackets by Motorport USA, which specializes in law enforcement gear and is known for producing high quality, durable products. These fade-resistant jackets are crafted from materials made with Dupont™ Kevlar® fiber and are very difficult to cut or tear, even with a sharp knife. They’ll help officers stay comfortable in a wide range of temperatures and are built to last. Importantly, they will dramatically reduce injury during incidents, particularly if an officer crashes.
Best of all, they’re custom made for the rider, are completely machine washable, and look sharp!
The Motorcycle Unit is a high-visibility, forward-facing Unit, seen by community members of all ages and from all areas of our city. In addition to traffic enforcement, motorcycle officers are often called to work sporting events, concerts, funeral processions, and other events that attract large crowds. These jackets enhance safety, prevent injury, keep officers comfortable during the spring and summer months, and preserve the uniformity of the Unit. They increase professionalism and reflect the department’s commitment to innovation, excellence, and quality policing.
We think they look pretty great. We hope you agree!
The 4 Cs – Cops, Community, Cutz, and Convos

Seattle Police Officer Aaron Lucas had a whole other career prior to becoming a Seattle police officer. From 1995 – 2010, the U.S. Navy veteran owned and operated a barber shop in the Central District, where he connected with customers from all walks of life… Including the police department.
In fact, it was a Seattle police officer who inspired him to trade in his clippers for a badge.
Today, Lucas uses his skills as a barber to complement his work in the Community Outreach Unit, and early in 2022, came to SPF for a little help. Lucas requested a $2,000 grant for his 4 Cs program – Cops, Community, Cutz, and Convos – and we were more than happy to oblige. Lucas used the funding for program materials and the barbering supplies needed to provide free haircuts to youth in the Seattle community in various different settings, including at SEAPAL camps and at a community outreach event in Rainier Beach called “Barbershop Cut, Chat.” Additionally, he visited a juvenile detention center several times to give free cuts to our community’s youth-at-promise.
The 4 Cs program is meant to forge positive connections with Seattle’s youth-at-promise, increase positive interactions between Seattle police officers and youth, build community, facilitate trust, and improve outcomes for youth in detention.
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We were thrilled to partner with Motorola Solutions Foundation, the charitable arm of Motorola Solutions, to bring the “Policing with an Outward Mindset” training program to the men and women of the Seattle Police Department.
The Outward Mindset is a revolutionary training curriculum that helps transform the way people who work in law enforcement approach public safety. The training helps officers and staff recognize and discard an inward mindset, which views other people as objects that need to be manipulated, and replace it with an outward mindset, in which others are viewed as people who matter. The Outward Mindset model interrupts status quo thinking and paves the way for a more inclusive approach that compliments SPD’s ongoing efforts to reinvent community engagement and prioritize humanization.
The Policing with an Outward Mindset curriculum is captivating, exceptionally responsive to the priorities of the Seattle Police Department, and is earning rave reviews from SPD staff at all levels. Chief Adrian Diaz was so impressed with the training he asked that it be integrated into SPD’s newly developed Before-the-Badge (BTB) program, a 45-day pre-academy program for SPD recruits waiting to attend the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission’s Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA).
The Motorola Solutions Foundation awarded a $20,000 grant in 2022 to help fund this training. The Seattle Police Foundation added a supplementary grant of $15,000 to support the initial rollout. The training is being implemented in waves, rolling out over a five-year timespan, with the goal of engaging the majority of SPD sworn and civilian employees by the end of 2025.
The Motorola Solutions Foundation, which has donated $100 million over the past 10 years, focuses its giving on three key areas: first responder programming, technology and engineering education, and programs that blend the two. The Foundation has a long-standing commitment to supporting programs that benefit underrepresented populations and aims to partner with organizations that align to its values of accountability, innovation, impact, diversity, and inclusion.
About the Motorola Solutions Foundation
As the charitable and philanthropic arm of Motorola Solutions, the Motorola Solutions Foundation partners with organizations around the globe to create safer cities and equitable, thriving communities. The Foundation focuses on giving back through strategic grants, employee volunteerism, and other community investment initiatives.
The strategic grants program supports organizations that offer first responder programming and technology and engineering education, and align to our values of accountability, innovation, impact, diversity, and inclusion. The Foundation is one of the many ways in which the company lives out its purpose of helping people be their best in the moments that matter. For more information on the Foundation, visit the Motorola Solutions Foundation website.
Updated Rain Gear for SWAT and the K9 Unit
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Whether sun, sleet, snow, drizzle or downpour, SPD officers are faced with constantly changing weather conditions every time they respond to a call. Specialty Units like SWAT and K9 are routinely exposed to the elements, so when we learned that their existing rain gear had long since reached the end of its useful life, we were eager to help.
Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
SWAT’s new rain gear was purchased from a Seattle-based company called Outdoor Research, which specializes in weatherproof gear for members of the military and first responders. The gear is tactically-oriented and meant to withstand extreme conditions, like the ones commonly faced by SWAT officers. During high-risk incidents such as a barricaded suspect, they might be out in the weather for 10-plus hours at a stretch, making effective gear a vital component of staying alert and comfortable.
One of the best things about this new equipment is that it’s giving SWAT officers a newfound confidence in their gear. SWAT officers had unfortunately become accustomed to their aging subpar rain gear, which was leaky, torn, and did not perform well in inclement weather. The damp would penetrate their clothing, leaving parts of their uniform wet and uncomfortable, and they’d be stuck for the duration of the call.
The new rain gear is top of the line, and so far, doing a great job of keeping everyone dry.
“It’s nice because it’s lightweight, and can fit under, or over the gear,” said Officer Brehon Ness.
K9 Unit – Patrol/Generalist
For the K9 Unit, we acquired StormForce ALPHA GORE-TEX jackets from an Oregon-based company called WaterShed. These rugged, high-quality jackets are tailored specifically for law enforcement professionals/first responders and are made to fit over body armor.
Like SWAT, K9 handlers are often deployed in the very worst of weather, including torrential rainstorms. If a suspect decides to make a run for it, they’ll do so whether it’s pouring down rain or not. Recently, Officer Kame Spencer responded to a call in extremely soggy conditions, in which the jackets were truly put to the test. Several officers in the Unit now have bragging rights, she said, as their uniforms and vests remained dry and warm thanks to the new jackets.
“You have no idea the peace of mind it brings us, when we have a piece of equipment that not only works, but is reliable, durable, and functional, and one that we enjoy using,” Officer Spencer said. “They are easy to move around in and they fit perfectly.”
The jackets truly live up to their “waterproof” descriptor. Thank you to all of our supporters who make these important investments possible.
Heroes and Helpers 2022

We were happy to provide a grant to support this year’s Seattle Police Department Heroes and Helpers event, which takes place in December at two Seattle Target stores.
Heroes and Helpers is a referral-based program that pairs Seattle police officers with kids and families in the Seattle community for an unforgettable holiday shopping experience in which each child is given a $100 gift card to spend however they wish. It’s a unique opportunity for police officers and kids to spend time one-on-one, while browsing the aisles, selecting gifts, and taking the time to get to know one another. Heroes and Helpers allows officers to connect with our youngest community members, helping to foster lasting, positive relationships between youth and law enforcement.
Thanks to our support, Heroes and Helpers served around 75 youth. Huge thanks to our partners at Target for their $2,500 grant and for being such gracious hosts.
Community Outreach Supplies

As we start to welcome back public events, the need for awesome police swag is on the rise!
SPD’s Community Outreach Team hosts and attends a variety of community-building events throughout the year. Officers hand out safety information as well as fun, police-themed gifts to children and parents alike. Grants for community outreach supplies help fund the purchase of small gifts for officers to give away to youth and families with the hope that it creates a positive sustainable relationship between the Seattle Police Department and the community. These small gifts are a great way to spark conversations, improve relationships, and build connections with our community members.
“Having giveaways such as snacks, coloring books, SPD logo items, and safety materials, gives the community a reason to start conversations and build relationships with officers. This in turn changes stereotypes about policing, increases officer safety by improving relationships, and helps promote a positive SPD brand,” said Sergeant Heidi Tuttle.
Custom Metal Enclosed Frames Grant

We love following the journey of our grants process, watching each grant go from idea to reality. The custom metal enclosed frames at the Seattle Police Department’s South Precinct are no exception.
The main hallway at the South Precinct serves as a memorial for fallen officers. For many years, small magnets were used to display the programs from the memorial services of fallen officers such as Officer Timothy Brenton and dozens more. Most of the programs displayed have been carefully collected by personnel who have attended these services personally.
The memorial wall was created to respect and honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our community. Due to the heavy traffic and small size of the hallway, programs have been knocked off the wall, becoming frayed and worn.
In 2019, the Seattle Police Foundation issued a grant to provide the South Precinct with the funds to purchase three large custom-made enclosed frames to protect the precinct’s “In Memoriam” wall. The custom frames were installed in 2020, serving as the memorial wall’s silent sentinels, protecting each program from further harm, and preserving the life of this meaningful wall. These officers no longer walk our halls, but our memories of their service live on through this project.
“The displays on this wall have been created to respect and honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Furthermore, they serve as a daily reminder to those who walk the precinct’s hallways, as officers exit roll call and prepare to go in-service, as to our duty and responsibility to continue to hold the line in their absence,” said grant applicant Detective Nick Kartes.