FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 14, 2023
Media Contact:
Chris Hendrickson, Communications Manager
Seattle Police Foundation
425-205-0328 ● chris@seattlepolicefoundation.org
Today, the Seattle Police Foundation launches a fundraiser to buy new ballistic vests for four SPD K9s: Frodo, Delta, Lex and Shadow.
These vests are custom made to fit each dog to maintain their range of motion, speed, and tactical purpose, while offering protection from gunfire or sharp objects while on patrol.
SPF chose Valentine’s Day for this fundraiser because of all the love the community has shown for SPD’s K9 Unit over the years.
Anyone who donates $25 or more will get a free calendar featuring the many animals of SPD including the K9s and Mounted Patrol horses (while supplies last).
To donate, go to seattlepolicefoundation.org or visit our fundraising page.